Mw. Babu Charles Karan, MA (PPM), B Ed, PTE was born and brought up in Lela Kombura, Kadibo Division of Nyando Sub-county, Kisumu County Kenya.  He attended Lela Primary School, St. Mary’s School Yala and later trained as a teacher at Machakos Teachers College.  Being a self-motivated person, he worked in various institutions both primary and secondary and later worked as a Senior Education Officer.  He studied Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and Masters in Project Planning & Management both at the University of Nairobi.  He is currently a PhD student undertaking Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, in the Faculty of Business & Management Sciences at the University of Nairobi.


Mw. Babu Karan is a proven professional with vast experience and knowledge in Human Resource Management through working in public education sector in which he held various middle and senior management positions. He is currently in the Boards of Management of various high schools to date.  He is a founder member of the giant Kenya Primary Heads Association (KEPSHA) and the first vice chairman.  He served as a member of Truth Justice & Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) in charge of ten counties in Western region.  He also served in the office of the Senator Kisumu County as a Senate Office Manager.


Mw. Babu Karan is a member of Institute of Human Resource Management.  He has attended several professional conferences, seminars and workshops both locally and internationally in cooperate governance, organized by professional bodies like ESAMI, IHRM, ICPAK, KIM and CHRM among others.  Mw. Babu Karan has published academic articles in internationally recognized journals on Critical Issues in Human Resource Management.